
This document describes the API interface to the PAC.

class auspost_pac.pac.PAC(api_key, **kwargs)

This class provides the main interface to PAC. You must provide it a valid api_key (see Installation for instructions).

It is also possible to override the default API URL. You would almost certainly not need to do this, but if you do, pass api_url to the constructer.

Once you have a PAC instance, you can call into the API:

locality_search(query, state=None, exclude_postbox=True)

Run a search against the PAC with the given query. This may either be a complete postcode, or a full or partial location name.

Results will be returned as a list of Locality objects.

The following optional arguments are supported:

  • state: Restrict the search to the state given by its 2 or 3-digit state code (e.g. QLD). Defaults to None, meaning no restriction.
  • exclude_postbox: Excludes localities that are Post Boxes only. Defaults to True.

domestic_parcel_services(from_postcode, to_postcode, parcel)

Returns a list of all services for a domestic parcel with the given details.


  • from_postcode: the sender's postcode
  • to_postcode: the receiver's postcode
  • parcel: a Parcel instance representing the dimmensions and weight of the parcel to be sent.

Results will be returned as a list of PostageService objects.